Adam Struzik, Mazovia Voivodeship Marshall, visited NCBJ

Marszałek Województwa Mazowieckiego Adam Struzik w instytucie, fot. Marcin Jakubowski, NCBJ

Adam Struzik in Świerk (photo Marcin Jakubowski, NCBJ)

During his visit paid to NCBJ Adam Struzik, Mazovia Voivodeship Marshall, acquainted himself with infrastructure and capabilities of the Świerk Computing Centre (CIS) and Science & Technology Park (PNT). The visit was also an opportunity to present outcomes of the projects recently accomplished in our Institute with financial support of EU.

NCBJ’s hardware/software capacities regarding computing of geospatial infor­mation and development of digital terrain models were presented during talks conducted in CIŚ. At PNT’s labs Mr. Struzik saw some specialized equipment (including optical scanner, climatic chamber, advanced 3D printers, nano-testers) and met with some representatives of the Pro­so­lu­tio and IRES companies cooperating with NCBJ.

Computer cluster developed in CIS with EU support (85% of the project value i.e. 83 million PLN was financed by Euro­pean Regio­nal­ Development Fun­d) is among the fastest supercom­pu­ter­s in the world. 76 million PLN granted from Regio­nal Operational Programme for the Mazovia Voivodeship 2007-2013 was used up to develop the PNT park in Świerk and to strengthen NCBJ’s innovation potential in the area of ionizing radiation-based technologies (the “4LABy” project). Tasks accomplished within the latter project framework include deployment of some advanced R&D equipment and mo­der­niz­ation of the local area IT infrastructure in Świerk. Efficient access to databases, remote servers and generally Internet is a prerequisite for efficient functioning of NCBJ as a modern R&D centre. The PNT Park is to foster development of innovative businesses in the Hi-Tech area, drawing on knowledge and know-how accumulated in NCBJ.

Our guest was also presented with capabilities of some existing hardware/software for computing infor­mation in the LIDAR (Light Detec­tion and Ran­ging) project. That laser scanning-based technique is among state-of-the-art methods to acquire data indispensable to develop digital terrain models.


Adam Struzik, Mazovia Voivodeship Marshall (photo Marcin Jakubowski, NCBJ)
Mr. Struzik in Świerk (photo Marcin Jakubowski, NCBJ)
Mr. Struzik in Świerk (photo Marcin Jakubowski, NCBJ)
Mr. Struzik in Świerk (photo Marcin Jakubowski, NCBJ)