3rd edition of the “Atom for Science” project
2016.01.12 0:00 - admin3rd edition of the “Atom for Science”, nation-wide educational project accomplished by the PGE EJ 1 company, kicked off on January 12, 2016. That way the Company responsible for development of the first nuclear power plant in Poland encourages students and academic staff to take a more close interest in nuclear power. During this academic year PGE EJ 1 is going to develop a more tight cooperation with several universities. Within that framework, some attractive contests have been prepared for young scientists.
The main objective of the “Atom for Science” project is to familiarize students and academic staff in Poland with nuclear power in order to develop a base of professionals capable to play the roles of experts in that field. The applied strategies include promotion of young Polish scientists and supporting universities engaged in education of such experts.
Cooperation with universities
In academic year 2014/15 PGE EJ 1 reached agreements on cooperation in education with four universities of technology in Warsaw, Cracow (AGH), Wrocław and Łódź. According to the agreements the Universities have: (i) organized a number of information meetings, dedicated workshops, and Oxford debates for students; (ii) organized a series of lectures for pupils of high schools from selected regions of Poland; (iii) worked out some exhibitions and educational materials (video animations, multimedia presentations) devoted to nuclear power topics; (iv) published a number of leaflets presenting experience of other countries in popularizing nuclear power topics.
The idea of the 3rd edition of the “Atom for Science” project is to continue the running cooperation programme and to invite other universities to join the project.
Contests for students and academic staff
Two contests organized within the framework of the 3rd edition of the “Atom for Science” project kicked off on January 12. The first contest targeted at students consists in performing a specific task related to nuclear power. The Company wants to attract interest of students of various faculties beyond the sciences and technology (social sciences, natural sciences, medicine, law, tourism). The other contest is targeted at post-graduate students and academic staff; the prizes will go to authors of the best scientific papers devoted to a broadly understood nuclear technology. Besides cash, the prizes include a study tour to a selected nuclear power plant.
A day with Atom for Science
The project to develop the first nuclear power plant and a whole nuclear industry in Poland is a very complex undertaking; support of experts from many different fields will be required. That’s why this year PGE EJ 1 is going to organize at the participating Universities some meetings with experts under the general title “A day with Atom for Science”. Participants of the meetings will be given an opportunity to familiarize themselves with various aspects of nuclear power. It is also expected that the meetings might induce students to select some nuclear-related specialization.
The “Atom for Science” project is an element of nationwide “Nuclear Awareness” programme of educational and popularizing activities run by the PGE EJ 1 Company. NCBJ, Polish Nucleonic Association, and The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics (PAN) are partners of this year edition of the project.
See the Nuclear Awareness (www.swiadomieoatomie.pl) Internet portal (in Polish) for more information.
Contact person data:
Tomasz Gołębiewski
Chief Officer
Communication & External Relations Office
PGE EJ 1 sp. z o. o.
phone +48 665 880 995
e-mail: tomasz.golebiewski@gkpge.pl
Attachment | Size |
Poster announcing contest for academic staff (in Polish) | 915.65 KB |
Poster announcing contest for students (in Polish) | 359.85 KB |