The access to the Mathematics & Physical Sciences 2020 collection of OUP journal is already active for our institution.

Please be advised that access to the Mathematics & Physical Sciences 2020 collection of OUP journal is already active for our institution.

The Mathematics & Physical Sciences 2020 collection includes 36 journal titles in mathematics, computer science, physics including access to journal: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Radiation Protection Dosimetry.


Access to full-text journal can be obtained at the library website https: //www. ncbj. gov. pl/badania-naukowe/biblioteka-ncbj in the database links tab (2nd row in the databases) or via the OUP Journals website to which it leads link below:

https: //academic. oup. com/journals/.


Users can also use links to individual journal of the Mathematics & Physical Sciences 2020 package from the attached list of titles. I have also allowed myself to attach a brochure showing, among others, the Impact Factor values of individual titles.


The subscription provides access to current and archival editions since 1996.