Resume the Open IOP publishing program

The IOP Open Publi­shing Pro­gram was resu­med and con­ti­nued until the pool was exhau­sted – the pool is 60 artic­les.

Last upda­ted 06/06/2022: 28 artic­les from a pool of 60 artic­les were used.

The pro­gram is inten­ded for cor­re­spon­dent authors affi­lia­ted with insti­tu­tions par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the IOP con­sor­tium. The pro­gram inc­lu­des 44 hybrid IOP jour­nals and publi­ca­tion types: rese­arch paper, spe­cial issue paper, let­ter. The pro­gram allows you to publish under the CC-BY license free of charge for the authors of a cer­tain num­ber of artic­les accep­ted for publi­ca­tion in the cur­rent year. In 2020, 58 artic­les were publi­shed, in 2021–60 artic­les, and in 2022, a pool of 60 artic­les is ava­ila­ble again. The pool is not divi­ded into insti­tu­tions and artic­les are inc­lu­ded in the pro­gram in the order in which artic­les are accep­ted for publi­ca­tion.


The IOP reco­gni­zes artic­les eli­gi­ble for the pro­gram on the basis of the affi­lia­tion pro­vi­ded by the cor­re­spon­ding author on the form when sub­mit­ting the manu­script to the jour­nal and, upon accep­tance of the article for publi­ca­tion, for­wards infor­ma­tion about the article to ICM. After chec­king whe­ther the article pro­vi­des the appro­priate affi­lia­tion, ICM con­firms the inc­lu­sion of the article in the pro­gram. As part of the new sys­tem intro­du­ced by the IOP in 2021, the author fills in an addi­tio­nal form during the review or imme­dia­tely after the accep­tance of the article. In this form, the author has the option to cho­ose to publish OA within the pro­gram and respec­ting the copy­ri­ght. If an author dec­li­nes to publish an OA or noti­fies the publi­sher that he wishes to pay for costs else­where, the article is not inc­lu­ded in the pro­gram. Authors who, with the appro­val of the article, will not rece­ive an OA publi­ca­tion pro­po­sal under the pro­gram, may con­tact ICM at the address wbn@icm. edu. pl atta­ching the page (s) with the title, authors and affi­lia­tions from the accep­ted manu­script. There is also a bro­chure about the pro­gram pre­pa­red by the publi­sher and infor­ma­tion about the pro­gram on the publi­sher’s website.

Ple­ase find atta­ched bro­chure about the pro­gram pre­pa­red by the publi­sher.

More infor­ma­tion

https: //wbn. icm. edu. pl/pu­bli­ko­wa­nie-otwar­te­/#io­p_oa

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