SEFAKO will cooperate with NCBJ in the HTGR project

Jacek Boruciński i Krzysztof Kurek podpisują list intencyjny

On July 5, NCBJ signed a letter of intent with Boiler Factory SEFAKO S.A. regarding cooperation in the scope of research and development activities conducted at the Institute concerning the preparation of a technical description of a research high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor. The task of SEFAKO will be to design and, if a decision is made to start the investment, build a Reboiler Equipment Complex in the conventional part of the installation.

Professor Krzysztof Kurek, NCBJ director and Mr. Jacek Boruciński, chairman of the Management Board of Boiler Factory SEFAKO S.A., signed a letter of intent today in Świerk on cooperation between the institutions they represent. The task of SEFAKO will be to design and build a conventional Reboiler Unit Set used to separate the high-temperature refrigerant in the form of water vapor for the needs of the external industrial cycle, from the secondary cycle supplied from the steam generator. The device is to be an element of a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR), on which research and development works are underway at NCBJ as part of a project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science with a gross amount of PLN 60,000,000.00 in the years 2021-2024.

„The device itself is designed to separate the high-temperature steam supplied to the future industrial recipient from the high-temperature steam in contact with helium from the primary circuit of the HTGR reactor,” explains Jerzy Zep, head of the HTGR project at NCBJ. „The reboiler with accompanying devices must be individually designed for the needs of NCBJ and adapted to the required operating parameters, hence SEFAKO cooperates with the Central Office of Boiler Design from Tarnowskie Mountains."

Boiler Factory SEFAKO in Sędziszów is a leading Polish producer of power boilers, having knowledge and many years of experience in the field of design and construction of energy devices.

Jacek Boruciński i Krzysztof Kurek podpisują list intencyjny
Od lewej: Hubert Smorąg, Jacek Boruciński, Krzysztof Kurek i Jerzy Zep