Technical - economic assessment of the High Temperature Reactors (HTR) - Small Modular Reactors (SMR) concepts for industrial and municipal power and heat supplies. A case of Poland.
The IAEA has initiated, in 2020, a 3-year CRP focusing on the economics of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), including micro-reactors „Economic Appraisal of Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Projects: Methodologies and Applications”. The CRP aims at providing Member States with a canvas and a framework for the economic appraisal of SMR development and deployment.
The approach would account for:
(1) differences in Technology Readiness Levels (TRL);
(2) specifics of the technologies being considered;
(3) potential end-users, revenue streams, and risk profiles attached to each concept.
The framework would be applied (in particular) to assess the economics of multiples (serial production of reactors in a factory setting), factory fabrication (conditions to be met for a factory to exist), and supply chain localization (opportunities and impacts).
This CRP has over 60 participants from 32 member states.
Program: Programme of coordinated research activities.
Project name: Economic Appraisal of Small Modular Reactors Projects: Methodologies and Applications.
The role of NCBJ: Performer of the research task under the project.
Project title (task responsibility NCBJ): Technical - economic assessment of the High-Temperature Reactors (HTR) - Small Modular Reactors (SMR) concepts for industrial and municipal power and heat supplies. A case of Poland.
Research contract manager at NCBJ - prof. Wacław Gudowski.
Funding body: International Atomic Energy Agency
Project start: September 1, 2020.