Post-doc at NCBJ (Warsaw, Poland) - experimental particle physics

Competition opened on: 
5 Jul 2018 - 12:30
Application submission deadline: 
31 Aug 2018 - 23:45

Holders of the PhD Degree in physics are invited to apply for a postdoctoral position (assistant profesor) in the Warsaw Neutrino Group within the High Energy Physics Division of NCBJ. The group is involved in the T2K experiment, mainly in the analyses related to the off-axis Near Detector (ND280), including the cross section measurements for various neutrino interaction channels and the estimation of the detector-related systematic errors. The group plans to extend its activity and get involved in the oscillation analysis in which the candidate may participate. There is also a possibility to work on the preparation of the planned upgrade of ND280, such as simulations, sensitivity studies, detector tests, calibration and reconstruction software. If interested, the candidate may also get involved works related to the water Cherenkov detectors (Super-Kamiokande, E61 – NuPrism, Hyper-Kamiokande). Specifics of the job will depend on the individual preferences of the successful candidate.

Funding necessary to cover travel costs to cooperating institutions in Europe/Japan and costs of participation in relevant international scientific meeting and conferences/workshops has been allocated in the group budget.



  • PhD in physics (preferably elementary particle physics, nuclear physics, computing methods in physics).
  • Very good command of written/spoken English (sufficient to write scientific publications/technical documentation and to fluently communicate in international teams).
  • Very good knowledge of at least one programming language (preferably C++) and the UNIX/LINUX environment.
  • Experience in working in international research team (preferably in neutrino physics).
  • Documented scientific output (papers, conference talks).
  • Analytical skills, knowledge of statistical methods or experience with the particle detectors (tests, calibration) and electronics.
  • Thinking independence combined with good communication/team-work skills.

Additional assets: Familiarity with the ROOT and Geant4 software packages, previous post doctoral positions.



  • CV with a description of scientific output/achievements including the following formal consent:
  • „ I hereby authorize you to process my personal data included in the job application for the needs of the recruitment process in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act dated 29.08.1997 (uniform text: Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland 2002 No 101, item 926 with further amendments).”.
  • List of publications, received training courses, internships, scholarships, participation in scientific conferences, received awards.
  • Motivation letter with a description of applicant’s scientific interests.
  • PhD degree diploma copy (scan) or a date of already scheduled public defense of the thesis.
  • E-mail/phone contact and affiliation data of 1-2 persons who might be requested for recommendation letter.
  • E-mail address of the candidate.


We offer:

  • 2 years employment contract (full-position) with a possibility to extend that period to three years.
  • About 4 000 PLN/month gross. Notice the lower living costs in Poland as compared to Western Europe which allows for a comfortable living standard. Depending on the grants awarded to the group in the future, additional income is possible.


Contact person:


Send your application before 31 August 2018:

  • by e-mail to:,
  • by mail to the address given above,
  • or by person: in secretiariat of High Energy Physics Division, BP3.


The recruitment process will be finished around end of September, 2018. Only the selected applicants will be interviewed. Date of the interview will be individually e-mailed to each invited applicant.
The successful candidate is expected to start his/her research in November 2018
Job location: Warsaw downtown