Post-doc in experimental nuclear physics

Competition opened on: 
11 Jan 2017 - 08:00
Application submission deadline: 
24 Jan 2017 - 23:45


An open competition to fill up a vacancy

NCBJ opens up a competition for a position of Assistant Professor in NCBJ Nuclear Physics Division (BP1) located in Warszawa. The successful candidate must meet requirements specified in par. 43 of Act on Research Institutes passed on April 30, 2010 (Dz.U.  96 pos. 618).



  • PhD degree in physics
  • documented scientific output justifying hopes for candidate’s post-doctoral dissertation within the two coming years
  • experience in experimental nuclear physics, in particular nuclear spectroscopy
  • skills to manage work of teams jointly running experiments in nuclear physics.


Additional assets:

  • experience in teaching.


More info:
Profesor Zygmunt Patyk
room 29 in NCBJ pavilion
Warszawa, 69 Hoża str.


Send your application before January 24, 2017 to:

Dr. Agnieszka Syntfeld-Każuch
Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych
ul. Andrzeja Sołtana 7
05-400 Otwock, Świerk 



  • application
  • scientific degree diploma transcript
  • CV
  • personal questionnaire for employment applicants
  • list of publication
  • copies of the most important publications not available on-line
  • list of patents, implementations, patent applications
  • description of applicants fields of interest
  • all other documents possibly relevant for candidate evaluation.