2016.06.07 13:55 - adminCompetition opened on:
7 Jun 2016 - 13:45
Application submission deadline:
15 Jul 2016 - 23:45
NCBJ is inviting students of physics, mathematics, computer science, power/aeronautical engineering who wish to acquire experience in simulating/designing safety systems to apply for a trainee position in NCBJ Laboratory for Nuclear Energy and Environmental Analytes (UZ3). The Lab’s mission is to deliver services to entities investing in development of power nuclear power industry in Poland, and to maintain databases/operational servers of a nation-wide importance. The trainee will join the Probabilistic Safety Analyses Team.
Job location:
- Świerk near Otwock.
- BS graduate in one of the above listed disciplines
- ability to communicate in English
- an open mind.
Additional asset:
- knowledge of UML, Matlab, Python, AngularJS.
We offer:
- an assignment contract
- assistance in work on more difficult cases.
Each interested person is invited to mail his/her CV to the address before July 15, 2016. Please specify “Aplikuję do zespołu PSA/stażysta” in the mail subject, as well as mark your CV with an identical note.