Intention letter to develop infrastructure for electric vehicles in Poland

Podpisanie listu intencyjnego o powołaniu Centrum Elektromobilności

Polish Ministry of Energy has presented underlying assumptions of a project to develop infrastructure for electric vehicles in Poland. The four largest electric energy suppliers in Poland (Enea S.A., ENERGA S.A., PGE S.A., and TAURON Polska Energia S.A.), Warsaw University of Technology, and NCBJ have signed an intention letter on joint efforts to accomplish that project, to promote/popularize electric vehicles among Poles, and to develop respective branches of the Polish industry. It is hoped that research potential of the letter signatories teamed up in the joint venture and focussed on the project will allow to form a nucleus of a system of eco-vehicles in Poland.

Michał Kurtyka, Deputy Minister of Energy, pointed out that such initiatives could surely help to develop infrastructure for electric vehicles in Poland. – Cooperation between major companies operating in the power industry and academic/scientific community is expected to result in solid foundations of a stable growth of that business.

Professor Krzysztof Kurek, NCBJ Director General, pointed out that NCBJ, one of the best research Institutes in the country, was involved in many projects directly aimed to make the lives of citizens better. The history of cooperation between NCBJ and some largest companies in Poland (such as PGE, PSE, KGHM) was successful and helped to develop solutions that improved competitive edge of those companies.  – The project to develop infrastructure for electric vehicles in Poland perfectly fits that pattern. I believe that our contribution to the project will also help to devise some innovative solutions.

Professor Jan Szmidt, Warsaw University of Technology Rector, drew attention to importance of a tight academia-industry cooperation. – The just signed intention letter has confirmed an important role played by intellectual potential of our university, one of the leading universities of technology in Poland, in projects run by the Polish power industry sector if some really innovative solutions are to be delivered to the national economy.

Dariusz Kaśkow, Energa S.A. President, said that involvement of his company in  the project was just an element of an active participation of the company in the process of developing innovative solutions for the national economy. – We want to share know-how acquired during previous years from R&D projects accomplished by ourselves. Our experience has shown that the dynamically growing business of electro-vehicles has already created a brand new R&D field. Within the coming 15-20 years the business may potentially bring about a significant rise in demand for electric energy and create a room for new businesses/services needed to develop/operate an indispensable electricity supply infrastructure.

Remigiusz Nowakowski, TAURON Polska Energia S.A. President, said that the just signed agreement paved the way to combine know-how on electric vehicle technology contributed to the joint venture by its scientific partners with capacities and needs of industrial partners of the venture. – Some Polish companies, including TAURON, has been exploring that same R&D direction for some time hoping that a brand new market segment will dynamically emerge and become in the future a significant new business for them.

Mirosław Kowalik, Enea S.A. President, said that capacities of the power industry sector in combination with intellectual potential of the scientific community may create some new, innovative products/services that will meet growing expectations of the customers. Besides, one of the underlying assumptions of the just reached agreement is to establish sustainable energy security. – The project goes towards meeting current and future needs of the customers, actively shaped by their expectations.

Henryk Baranowski, PGE S.A. President, said: – PGE, leader among Polish power companies, has always been taking much care of a constant development of our company. To that end we have always been looking for innovative solutions in all sectors of our business. Multi-dimensional standing cooperation with other companies within the power sector and with the best research centres has helped us to effectively shape energy markets in Poland to improve comfort of energy consumers in Polish homes and energy security of Polish industry.

The involved entities have declared that legal form, budget, and timetable to establish an enterprise with the mission to accomplish the declared objectives will be known before July 2016.