Some Polish Nucleonic Association prizes went to students who prepared their BSc works in Świerk

Polskie Towarzystwo Nukleoniczne nagrodziło prace licencjackie wykonane w Świerku

Polish Nucleonic Association has appointed winners of the contest for the best BSc works in the atomic science field prepared during the academic year 2014/2015.

Winners of the 16th contest for the best BSc works in atomic sciences organized by Polish Nucleonic Association (PTN) jointly with the PGE EJ 1 sp. z o.o. company included some students who prepared their works in Świerk. The PTN Management Board-appointed jury included Professor Krzysztof Wieteska (Chairman), Dr. Bożena Sartowska (coordinator), Associate Professor Grażyna Zakrzewska, Jacek Cichosz, PGE EJ 1 sp. z o.o. President, Professor Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Professor Stefan Chwaszczewski, and Dr. Nikołaj Uzunow. The jury considered originality of the idea, inventiveness of the applied technological/organizational solutions, and cognitive values of the submitted works. Contest participants ran in four categories: nuclear power generation, nuclear medicine, radiation treatment, other applications of ionizing radiation.

Gaweł Madejewski, graduate of the Nuclear Power and Chemistry specialization offered jointly by Warsaw University Physics Faculty and Chemistry Faculty, won the first prize for experimental verification of a MARIA reactor numerical model (written in the MCNP software code) by means of some neutron activation measurements (tutors: Dr. Agnieszka Korgul from Warsaw University Physics Faculty and Eng. Rafał Prokopowicz, PhD, from NCBJ Research Reactor Technology Division).

The third prize went to Monika Szołucha, also graduate of the Nuclear Power and Chemistry specialization for working out a diffusion model of neutrons in the MARIA reactor core (tutors: Dr. Agnieszka Korgul from Warsaw University Physics Faculty and Dr. Zuzanna Marcinkowska from NCBJ Research Reactor Technology Division).

PTN representatives will award all winners at the celebration of beginning the new 2015/2016 academic year.

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