Notification of the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of M.Sc. Arantxa Tymowska

The committee for doctoral dissertations of the Scientific Council of the National Center for Nuclear Research informs about the public defense of the doctoral dissertation.

On September 12, 2023 at At 14.30 the public defense of Arantxa Tymowska's doctoral dissertation will take place.

“Next-to-eikonal corrections in the Color Glass Condensate”.

The doctoral dissertation is available for viewing in the NCBJ Library and on the website: : Postę­po­wa­nie w spra­wie nada­nia stop­nia dok­tora mgr Aran­txa Tymow­ska – Postę­po­wa­nia dok­tor­skie – Biu­le­tyn Infor­ma­cji Publicz­nej Naro­dowe Cen­trum Badań Jądro­wych (ncbj. gov. pl)

Link to participate in the public defense:

https: //meet. goto. com/349587829

Chairman of the Doctoral Commission

Dr hab. Jakub Wagner

M.Sc. Arantxa Tymowska
PhD thesis title: 
Next-to-eikonal corrections in the Color Glass Condensate
Public defence date: 
Tue, 2023-09-12 14:30
sala 207 ul. Pasteura 7, 02-093 War­szawa
Dr hab. Tolga Alti­no­luk (Naro­dowe Cen­trum Badań Jądro­wych)

Prof. dr hab. Krzysz­tof Golec-Bier­nat (Polish Academy of Sciences)

Prof. Tuomas Lappi (University in Jyväskylä)

Prof. dr hab. Leszek Motyka (Jagiellonian University)

Announcement date: 
Friday, 18 Aug 2023