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NCBJ scientists awarded with NCN grants: POLONEZ BIS and SONATINA

Two NCBJ scientists were awarded with grants from competitions of the National Science Center. Wenyi Huo, PhD. from the NOMATEN Center of Excellence received a POLONEZ BIS grant for a project on high entropy alloys, while PhD. Ilkka Samuli Mäkinen received a grant from the SONATINA competition for a project on loop quantum gravity. ----

Dr. William Pearson receives the scholarship for outstanding young scientists

dr William James Pearson
"My work so far was focused on the formation and evolution of galaxies using modern machine learning methods" - explains Dr. William James Pearson of the NCBJ Astrophysics Division. Dr. Pearson received one of this year's scholarships from the Minister of Education and Science for outstanding young scientists demonstrating significant achievements in scientific activity. ----

Achievements of NCBJ athletes during the Atomiade 2022 Games

On June 10–13, 2022, 17 Olympic Games of Scientific Institutes took place. This year the organizer Was the CEA Grenoble. Over 1,000 scientists representing 26 research institutes from 10 European countries participated in the competition, including NCBJ employees who won many medals. ----

CANIS is the laureate of the TERAZ POLSKA competition

System CANIS w Kuźnicy Białostockiej
The system for non-invasive inspection of large-size goods CANIS, a joint work of PID Polska and the NCBJ Nuclear Apparatus Department, Was this year’s winner of the Teraz Polska emblem in the innovation category. In Świerk, among others, the heart of the device, i. e. the accelerator being the source of the gamma ray scanning beam. Today, at the ceremony at the Presidential Palace, Agata Kornhauser-Duda presented the representatives of our institutions with the diploma and the statuette of the emblem. ----
