The 9th Young Researchers BNCT Meeting in Kyoto, Japan

The 9th Young Researchers BNCT Meeting took place on 11-17th of November 2017 at University of Kyoto, Japan.

During a plenary session about 50 presentations were introduced. One of them presented by Msc. eng. Edyta Michas was about the BNCT stand in MARIA Reactor. Dr Katarzyna Tyminska introduced a presentation about potential cooperation on BNCT research between Kyoto University and The National Centre for Nuclear Research.

There also were poster sessions, during which more than 40 posters were presented. One of them was a poster  titled „BNCT research beam in MARIA reactor (NCBJ, Poland)”.

A special occasion for participants of the meeting was a possibility of visits to the BNCT stands in Southern Tohoku General Hospital in Koriyama, pref. Fukushima , where the BNCT will be used as a standard (non experimental)  procedure in a nearest future , at Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute (KURRI) in Kumatori, pref. Osaka, where two BNCT stands are located – the older stand at research reactor and the newer stand at accelerator – and in the National Cancer Japan in Tokio. The visiting of the places allowed to collect  important information and to learn uniqe technical sollutions, which could be used to the development of the BNCT stand at Maria Reactor.