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K.Ku­rek in Polish delegation to Nuc­le­ar Se­cu­ri­ty Sum­mit

Nuclear Security Summit 2016 (Washington, DC)
Nuc­le­ar Se­cu­ri­ty Sum­mit held in Was­hington DC on March 31/April 1 was the largest convention of world leaders since the time UN had been called into being. 50 leaders of various nations met to discuss nuclear security issues and threats brought about by terrorists. Professor Krzysz­tof Ku­rek, NCBJ Director General, was among members of the Polish delegation headed by An­drzej Du­da, President of Poland. ----

NCBJ Management Easter wishes

NCBJ Management Easter wishes
We wish you Easter full of faith, hope and love, joyful, spring mood as well as warm meetings with family. Management of National Centre for Nuclear Research. ----

Am­ba­ssa­dor of In­do­ne­sia in NCBJ

Am­ba­ssa­dor of In­do­ne­sia in NCBJ (photo Robert Papliński, NCBJ)
Mr. Pe­ter Frans Gon­tha, Am­ba­ssa­dor of In­do­ne­sia to Poland, visited NCBJ to discuss per­spectives of cooperation between scientific communities of both countries, and to familiarise himself with linear accelerators currently in NCBJ’s commercial offer. ----

Director of Ministry of Energy Nuclear Power De­par­t­ment in Świer­k

From left to right: Krzysztof Kurek, Józef Sobolewski (photo Katarzyna Żuchowicz, NCBJ)
Dr. Józef Sobolewski, Ministry of Energy Nuclear Power De­par­t­ment Director with some accompanying persons visited NCBJ. The guests were presented with ra­dio­iso­to­pe production capacity of the MA­RIA re­ac­to­r and Świerk capacity to support the Polish Nuclear Power Programme. Dr. Sobolewski is a former employee of our Institute. ----

Late Professor Jerzy Bartke

Professor Jerzy Bartke
Professor Jerzy Bartke, outstanding physicists, founder of the Division of Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Interactions of Hadrons in the PAN Institute of Nuclear Physics in Cracow, mentor and tutor of a few generations of Polish scientists, passed away. ----
