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Trace amounts of Ruthenium 106 without any health consequences

NCBJ is constantly monitoring radioactivity of atmospheric air around Świerk. Recently Ruthenium 106 at trace concentrations comparable to those reported by other radiation protection stations operated in Poland was found. No other radioisotope at an increased level was found. That confirms Polish National Atomic Energy Agency conjectures concerning source(s) from which the isotope was released into the air. The observed small concentrations do not pose any threat to population health. ----

First detection of a gravitational wave by Advanced VIRGO

First simultaneous detection of a gravitational wave by the two US-based interferometers and the Advanced VIRGO European interferometer was announced during the meeting of Ministers of Science from the G7 countries. The observation made possible to roughly locate source of the emission, which marks a new era in astrophysics. PolGraw, a team of scientists from 8 research institutions in Poland, is a member of the VIRGIO collaboration. ----

HTGR consortium inaugurating meeting in Warsaw

International consortium established to accomplish the GEMINI+ R&D project will convene on its inaugurating meeting in Warsaw on 27 and 28 September. The project will focus on new technologies for high-temperature nuclear reactors capable to deliver technological (industry-grade) heat. Polish chemical companies are particularly interested in the project funded from the Horizon 2020 European Union programme. ----

NCBJ will assist Kubara Lamina S.A. to deliver parts ordered for an US research super-laser

NCBJ and the Kubara Lamina S.A. company have reached framework agreement on cooperation, according to which NCBJ will conduct research, make test measurements, and technically evaluate microwave equipment produced by the partner, including parts ordered for the LCLS free electron laser currently under development at Stanford University in California. ----

Professor Andrzej Czachor (1934-2017) – in remembrance

Andrzej Czachor (1934-2017)
Professor Andrzej Czachor, a long-time NCBJ employee, top-class scientist, patriot and social activist dedicated to his ideals passed away on September 8, 2017. His works in the field of crystal lattice dynamics, crowned with the Drgania atomów w ciele stałym (Solid state atoms vibrations) monograph, are classical references to this very day. His scientific interests were initially focussed on problems caused by disorder within crystal and/or magnetic lattice. Over the years he became interested in some more universal problems. Ability to ask simple questions for which answers were by no means simple was among his distinctive features. ----
