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Polish scientists co-author an article in "Nature", describing an observation of forced release of energy from excited atomic nuclei

For the first time it was experimentally shown that atomic nuclei can be excited by catching an electron on unfilled atomic electron shell. The result can have both theoretical and practical application. The latest issue of Nature magazine reports about the discovery. Co-authors of the work are Polish scientists. ----

As many as three young scientists from NCBJ will receive a prestigious scholarship

Three researchers from NCBJ will receive a scholarship for outstanding young scientists from the Minister of Science and Higher Education. Signing appropriate agreements with them will be finalized shortly. NCBJ is one of the 12 research institutions in Poland with the highest number of the honored scientists. ----

Professor Tadeusz Wibig – Science Promoter of 2017

Professor Tadeusz Wibig. Photograph from a private archive
The main prize in the PAP and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Competition for science promoters – for the achievements related to science popularization – Was awarded to prof. Tadeusz Wibig from the Faculty of Applied Physics and Computer Science at the University of Łódź and from the Astrophysics Division at the National Centre for Nuclear Research in Łódź.   ----

The Ministry of Energy accepts the Report recommending the implementation of HTGR reactors in Poland

Prof. Grzegorz Wrochna, fot. NCBJ
The Ministry of Energy informed that the Department of Nuclear Energy of the European Commission published a report by the departmental team for analysis and preparation of conditions for the implementation of high-temperature nuclear reactors. The team carried out a detailed analysis of the use of this type of reactors to cover the domestic demand for industrial heat with a temperature up to 700 ° C. ----
