Scholarships for those eager to research neutrinos
2018.06.21 14:44 - Marek Pawłowski
Joanna Zalipska, PhD, who carries out a research grant from the OPUS programme of National Science Centre, is looking for people eager to cooperate in a MSc or PhD scholarship. The project funded by the Centre is titled „Correlated nucleon pairs in neutrino interactions” and is led by Prof. Jan Sobczyk from University of Wrocław.
Papers form POLATOM among the highest ranked publications in Nuclear Medicine Review
2018.06.19 12:12 - Marek Pawłowski
As many as three papers, whose authors are from Radioisotope Centre POLATOM, appeared on the list of five most frequently cited publications that could be found in Nuclear Medicine Review between 2015 and 2017. Their authors were awarded with diplomas granted by the officials from Nuclear Medicine Review (published via Medica) and the President of Polish Society of Nuclear Medicine.
EWA reactor launched 60 years ago
2018.06.14 8:48 - Marek Pawłowski
On the 14th June 1958 the first nuclear reactor in Poland Was launched. EWA (Experimental, Water, Atomic) begun its work in the Institute for Nuclear Research, created three years prior (predecessor of NCBJ). The reactor Was bought from USSR and its construction assumed thermal power of 2 MW and thermal neutrons’ flux density of 2*1013 neutrons/s*cm2.
K. Frankiewicz has won an award for a poster about searching for a dark matter signal in Super-Kamiokande
2018.06.12 16:16 - Marek Pawłowski
At the beginning of June, during the „Neutrino 2018” conference in Heidelberg, young scientists were given awards in a poster session. Professor Ewa Rondio, the scientific director at the NCBJ, reports: „There were altogether almost 400 posters. More than 200 participated in the competition and a poster from Poland, from NCBJ won. The author is Katarzyna Frankiewicz, who has just submitted her PhD thesis. The poster contains partial results from her PhD thesis and its subject is search for dark matter annihilation in the interior of the Earth. The prize Was funded by the Hamamatsu company and awarded by prof. Kajita – Nobel laureate from 2015".