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Concept design of the HTGR-POLA research reactor

On June 12, at a conference organized by the Polish Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, the conceptual design of a new Polish high-temperature research reactor developed at NCBJ was presented to the public for the first time. The helium-cooled reactor will provide 30 MW of thermal power, and the helium temperature at the outlet of the primary cooling circuit will reach 750 ⁰C. ----

Unveiling the hidden stars: ALMA Shines a Light on Dust Attenuation

zwartość gwiazdowo-pyłowa w funkcji wieku Wszechświata. Rozkład osiąga szczyt w okolicach kosmicznego południa.
Interstellar dust is a key component in galaxies. It favors star formation and drives the chemistry and physics of the interstellar medium. However, it hides the majority of stars in a way that it is impossible to observe them. Astrophysicists use dust attenuation laws that would uncover these hidden stars by reverse-engineering the light from galaxies to quantify how many stars are there. ----

Opti­mal mix in the „Energy Trans­for­ma­tion Obse­rva­tory” pro­ject

Interfejs systemu Zefir (
Car­ry­ing out an effec­tive energy trans­for­ma­tion requ­ires, among others: com­pre­hen­sive moni­to­ring of the pro­gress of its imple­men­ta­tion, which must be based on cur­rent and relia­ble data ana­ly­ses. Such acti­vi­ties will be car­ried out at NCBJ as part of the „Energy Trans­for­ma­tion Obse­rva­tory” pro­ject that is just star­ting. ----
