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Metallic layers with high entropy are formed in NCBJ

Aluminum, titanium, nickel, niobium and tungsten – as many as five elements make up the high-entropy layers just produced at the National Center for Nuclear Research. Their production means that the center in Świerk joined the research on coatings considered to be one of the most innovative in contemporary surface engineering. ----

Incorrect reports about problems with the availability of LutaPol

Pojemniki z LutaPolem
In connection with the article in Gazeta Stołeczna entitled „Treatment of a patient with cancer was canceled. The reason? The radioisotope is imported from Russia" we explain that the reasons for the described situation do not lie on the part of NCBJ and we do not know anything about that could be associated with problems with supplies from Russia. ----

First Transient Calculation of DFR Two-fluid Reactor

Przekrój rdzenia modelowanego reaktora DFRm z wyszczególnionymi rurami paliwowymi (kolor żółty), chłodziwem (kolor różowy), reflektorem (kolor niebieski) i powłoką z węglika krzemu (kolor zielony). Źródło:
Comprehensive research and models of their operation are an important stage in the introduction of the concept of generation IV nuclear reactors. On the basis of the analyzes, the passive safety of the DFRm reactor Was confirmed, thanks to the determination of the temperature coefficient of reactivity. In a recent paper published in the International Journal of Energy Research, the calculation of the transients for such a reactor Was presented for the first time. ----

The NCBJ Education and Training Department takes part in the ENEN2plus project

At the end of June, the inaugural meeting of the international ENEN2plus project Was held in Brussels in a hybrid format. The project aims to build competences in the field of nuclear technologies through educational and training activities. The NCBJ Education and Training Department also participates in it. ----
