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COMPASS yields key data on strong interactions

COMPASS yields key data on strong interactions
COMPASS experiment run in CERN reported in Physical Review Letters that thay obtained key data on strong interactions ----

Modern vocational education offer from NCBJ

Students on a training course in NCBJ (February 2014) (photo Justyna Wojciechowicz)
NCBJ offers curricula, textbook model, set of lab exercises worked out to improve science teaching performance in technical secondary/vocational schools. Scientists intend also to establish Mazovian Nucleonics Network, a forum to disseminate knowledge on ionising radiation-related topics. ----

Techimmuna will help to treat rheumatoid arthritis

Techimmuna will help to diagnose various cases of inflammation
NCBJ POLATOM Radioisotope Centre has just introduced a new product to the nuclear medicine preparations market. Techimmuna will help to diagnose various cases of inflammation, in particular rheumatoid arthritis. ----

A new Tc-99m production line will soon start operations in Świerk

Technetium-99m generator (photo POLATOM NCBJ)
Preparation used in 80% of all nuclear medicine procedures will be more readily available as soon as NCBJ POLATOM Radioisotope Centre succeeds to increase its technetium-99m production capacity. NCBJ has just invited potential contractors to submits their offers to built a new 99mTc production line in Świerk. ----

Congratulations for MARIA

Congratulations for MARIA
Professor Grzegorz Wrochna. NCBJ Director General, has received plenty of tributes, congratulations and wishes for NCBJ Scientific Council and employees sent in on the occasion of 40th birthday of the MARIA reactor. ----
