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60th anniversary of Świerk research centre

On the occasion of 60th anniversary of Świerk research centre, NCBJ and Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology in Warsaw are organizing the "Nuclear Physics and Chemistry for medicine" symposium (June 10, 2015, Świerk Science and Technolgy Park) ----

Tremendous interest in Open Days

Open Days in NCBJ Świerk. Inside the MARIA reactor building (photo: Marcin Jakubowski, NCBJ)
Świerk has not witnessed such crowds for a long while! Over 3,000 persons came for Open Days organized the last weekend of May. Total 10 sightseeing routes were offered. MARIA reactor, POLATOM Radioisotope Centre and Świerk Computer Centre were the most popular destinations. ----

Open Days in Świerk

The MARIA reactor building
Come to see the Świerk reasearch centre on the last weekend of May (Saturday 30 or Sunday 31 between 9 am and 6 pm). The Open Days in Świerk event is organized by NCBJ and Radioactive Waste Management Enterpriseon the occasion of 60th birthday of the centre.  All interested will be given an opportunity to visit the most interesting facilities in Świerk, including the MARIA reactor, Świerk Computer Centre, and the POLATOM radiopharmaceuticals production facility. Due to safety reasons some minimum age limit restrictions will be enforced on some thematic tours. Dedicated playgrounds amd attractions will be organized for kids below 11. The event is free-of-charge. ----

Polish MPs met with IChTJ and NCBJ management

Spotkanie parlamentarzystów z kierownictwem instytutów jądrowych
IChTJ and NCBJ Management met with a representative of the Government and some MPs involved in developing R&D strategy for Poland. How to finance research institutions in Poland was one of the discussed topics. ----

Competition for the post of NCBJ Director General

Competition for the post of NCBJ Director General
This page available only in Polish ----
