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Nobel prize for research on neutrino oscillations

Nobel prize
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm has announced that this year Nobel prize in physics goes to Takaaki Kajita from Japan and to Arthur B. McDonald from Canada. Polish scientists who have participated in the Super-Kamiokande Japanese experiment for many years warmly congratulate the winners. ----

Professor Wrochna gave a lecture during ceremonial inauguration of the Children’s University academic year

Inauguration of the Children’s University academic year
Children’s University new academic year was ceremonially inaugurated on October 3, 2015. During the ceremony the best lecturers and workshop leaders of the previous academic year 2014/2015 selected by the children have been distinguished and awarded. The ceremony culminated in a lecture entitled “What our Universe is made of?” given by Professor Grzegorz Wrochna, NCBJ Director General. ----

Mazovia Development Forum

Objective of the “Mazovia Development Forum” event is to promote innovativeness, entrepreneurship, and absorption of funds allocated by EU for development of the Mazovia region. This year 6th edition will be held on National Stadium in Warsaw between October 7–8, 2015. About 40 debates/presentations and numerous workshops/networking meetings in 10 thematic areas are on the agenda. ----

CERN Accelerator School (advanced edition)

CERN Accelerator School logo
CERN jointly with NCBJ has organized in Warsaw and Świerk another edition of advanced  School of Accelerators. Nearly 100 attendees from the entire world will be deepening their knowledge on accelerator physics and technology between September 27 and October 9, 2015. ----

Some Polish Nucleonic Association prizes went to students who prepared their BSc works in Świerk

Polish Nucleonic Association logo
Polish Nucleonic Association has appointed winners of the contest for the best BSc works in the atomic science field prepared during the academic year 2014/2015. ----
