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The project of a PhD student of the NCBJ Department of Astrophysics qualified for the „Pearls of Science” program

Wizja artystyczna i zdjęcie rentgenowskie galaktyki MRK 1216 typu "red nugget". Źródło: X-ray: NASA/CXC/MTA-Eötvös University/N. Werner et al., Ilustracja: NASA/CXC/M. Weiss
The first edition of the competition under the „Pearls of Science” program has been settled. One of the scientists qualified for the program is Krzysztof Lisiecki, MSc, a PhD student at the Astrophysics Department of the National Center for Nuclear Research, conducting research in the project „In search of witnesses to the early Universe – studying the properties of red nuggets”. ----

Ions as a chance for monuments containing cellulose

Dr Marek Barlak przy komorze próżniowej implantatora jonów w Narodowym Centrum Badań Jądrowych w Świerku. (Źródło: NCBJ)
Valuable items made of wood-based materials, such as old books or sculptures, can be more effectively protected against moisture or rotting. Such an optimistic conclusion can be drawn from research on the implantation of cellulose with metal ions and noble gases, carried out at the National Center for Nuclear Research and the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. ----

Signing of another contract as part of research cooperation for the implementation of the basic design of the HTGR research reactor

Dyrektor NCBJ, prof. Krzysztof Kurek podpisuje kontrakt na dostarczenie elementów projektu podstawowego reaktora badawczego HTGR
March 29, 2023 prof. Krzysztof Kurek has signed a second contract for the transfer of subsequent elements of the basic design of the HTGR research reactor from Japan. The documentation will be submitted to NCBJ by the Japanese Atomic Energy Agency by the end of March 2024. ----

The work of OR POLATOM scientists in a special issue of the journal Molecules

Korpus elektromagnesu cyklotronu powstającego w ramach projektu CERAD, dzięki któremu możliwa będzie produkcja nowych, unikalnych radioizotopów (foto: IBA)
The use of radiopharmaceuticals based on metal isotopes is gaining importance due to the improvement of their production methods. The article by OR POLATOM scientists on the review of the production capacity of the copper-67 radioisotope has been published in a special edition of the international journal „Molecules”. ----

Organizing the European research community on nuclear materials

Próbka w Laboratorium Badań Materiałowych NCBJ
NCBJ participates in the European project ORIENT-NM. The project aims to investigate the possibilities and critically evaluate the added value that would result from the establishment of a co-funded European partnership (CEP) to support the development of a coordinated European research and innovation program on nuclear materials. It is expected that such a partnership would have a positive impact on Europe's competitiveness in the global nuclear energy field. ----
