NCBJ on World Nuc­le­ar Exhi­bi­tion in Paris

NCBJ participated in 2016 World Nuc­le­ar Exhi­bi­tion

NCBJ participated in the second edition of the World Nuc­le­ar Exhi­bi­tion fair in Paris held this year on June 28-30, 2016. Our exposition was a part of the Polish national booth or­ga­ni­zed by the Polish Mi­ni­stry of Ener­gy.

Offer presented on the fair by NCBJ included capabilities of our MARIA nuclear research reactor, its current applications (and those planned for the near future), selected mo­de­ls of industrial LI­NACs (linear accelerators of electrons) manufactured in Świerk, and computational in­fra­structure/know-how of a team of experts built in Świerk within the framework of the Świerk Computer Centre project concluded recently.

WNE Awards Ceremony was one of the events that accompanied the fair. NCBJ Director General was a member of the jury that awarded a prestigious award for innovativeness in the nuclear power field. Each jury member has a right to nominate three projects, projects were ranked by the number of nominations. The fact that three projects nominated by NCBJ experts were finally ranked as the 1st, 3rd, and 4th in the contest is an evidence of high competences of the experts in the field.

Topics discussed by representatives of NCBJ and CEA who met during the WNE fair included the Teaming Story project to be jointly submitted to European Commission (research on new materials for medicine, industry, future generation fission reactors, and potential thermonuclear applications), as well as bilateral cooperation. That latter topics included in particular utilization of NCBJ operated Maria reactor in research on materials for the JHR reactor now under construction in Cadarache, and possible transfer of the MELODY research project to Świerk.

On the second day of the fair Mr. An­drzej Pio­trow­ski, Under-Secretary of State in Polish Mi­ni­stry of Ener­gy (ME), and Dr. Jó­zef So­bo­lew­ski, Head of Nuclear Energy De­par­t­men­t in ME jointly presented basic assumptions and determinants of the programme to develop the first nuclear power plant in Poland.

World Nuc­le­ar Exhi­bi­tion is the leading event for the global nuclear energy sector. It is organized bi-annually at the Le-Bourget Paris Expo premises. This year edition gathered around 680 exhibitors, the number of visitors exceeded 8,800.

NCBJ participated in 2016 World Nuc­le­ar Exhi­bi­tion (photo NCBJ)
NCBJ participated in 2016 World Nuc­le­ar Exhi­bi­tion (photo NCBJ)
NCBJ participated in 2016 World Nuc­le­ar Exhi­bi­tion (photo NCBJ)
NCBJ participated in 2016 World Nuc­le­ar Exhi­bi­tion (photo NCBJ)
NCBJ participated in 2016 World Nuc­le­ar Exhi­bi­tion (photo NCBJ)