Atom – the basic energy source for the Baltic region

Pro­jekt BRILLANT (Bal­tic Region Ini­tia­tive for Long Lasting Inno­vAtive Nuc­lear Tech­no­lo­gies).

Some experts from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Sweden and Poland met in Ministry of Energy in Warsaw on February 29, 2016 to discuss the role of nuclear power in the Baltic Sea Region common power system. Such talks help countries that plan to develop their nuclear power plants (Poland and Lithuania) to draw on multi-year experience acquired by operators of nuclear power units (Sweden), and are an opportunity for countries that purchase energy from abroad (Latvia, Estonia) to participate in developing a common power system. All BRILLIANT project participants agree that nuclear power option is still the main option to be considered by Baltic countries.

In terms of their development needs, Baltic countries have much in common. It is not an easy task to meet these needs separately by each country. The issues might be faced much easier if we would be acting jointly.” – said Professor Grzegorz Wrochna, NCBJ Director General Proxy for International Collaboration. – „The issues include strategy to use nuclear power, development of R&D facilities capable to meet needs of the nuclear power industry, spent fuel treatment. Common approach to the issues could help to optimize the related costs and to more effectively utilize the already possessed resources.”

The BRILLIANT project of value 1.1 million Euro is financed by European Union within the framework of a Coordinated and Support Action. It commenced on July 1, 2015 and is scheduled for 3 years. The envisaged participation of representatives of relevant government agencies should help to informally exchange information. Mr. Andrzej Piotrowski, Undersecretary of State in Polish Ministry of Energy participated in the February 29 meeting.


BRILLIANT (Bal­tic Region Ini­tia­tive for Long Lasting Inno­vAtive Nuc­lear Tech­no­lo­gies)